Image & Video Dimensions Master Sheet

This page contains all of the image and video dimensions you could want for digital marketing and web design. Things like WordPress featured image size, Instagram ads, LinkedIn ads, etc. will all be here for easy reference, and to make sure you have everything you need to setup your campaigns. Paid Advertising / Search Engine […]

Will AI Replace SEO

This is a post that will be written in the near future. For now, I’m building out my site structure and want to have something in the blogging section, so we’ll leave this title and a coming soon post.

Where to find Copyright free Images

This is another coming soon article that is used to fill out the blog posts area of my website. Coming soon! Unsplash AI Image generation. paid tools

What is the Best CMS?

This page is a “Checklist” of things required for a production ready CMS. Too many times I’ve tried to migrate and later realized X or Y feature is not provided, causing me to waste time on a migration that didn’t work. Blog CMS Child Page Management Many websites require the use of “Child Pages”, which […]